Jose Renteria's First Web Project

This is a sample of how to create Web pages using Dreamweaver interface. Today, Thursday, September 10. 2009, I will start to learn to use the differnt commands using the Dreamweaver interface.
First, I will create an ordered to list the objectives I am learning this week. I will also learn to create a nested list, a list inside another list.
- Dreamweaver Interface.
- Panel groups.
- Menu bar.
- Insert bar.
- Properties Inspector panel group.
- File Management.
- Organize, save, and locate files using Windows XP.
- Create root folder or root directory.
- Create a sub-folder or sub-directory named images.
- Create a site definition in Dreamweaver.
- Create a site.
- Use Site > Manage Site > New > Site.
- Set the information where the locate files and root directory are located at.
- Set the information where the remote files and root directory are located at.
- Inserting text, images, and hyperlinks, in the Home Web page.
- Save the Home page as index.html.
- Use the Properties panel group to modify text, insert images, and hyperlinks.
- Use Format to change or modify the text.
- Use page properties button to modify the page.
- Use the Ordered List Button.
- Use the Unordered List Button.
- Use Link Text Window.
- USe Text Index or Text Outdent buttons.
- Use Text Color button.
- Use Text menu command to create a "nested" list.
- Click Text Indent Button > Text > List > Properties > Select type of list.
- Upload files and folders or directories into
- Download images into the inages folder or sub-directory.
- Create other pages and link them to the home page.
- Create an e-mail link.
- Create a bulleted list.
- Insert a hotizontal ruler.
Projevt: First Web Site
Web Publishing Course
Created by JR
Sweetwater High School
Last modified September 16, 2009